Interview it is a method of collecting data for social scientists. It is a conversation between the researcher and the informant for the purpose of data collection.
The most common method for collecting data in survey research are interview or interview schedule. This is a structured interview using a questionnaire format. The researchers defined the problem topic and brought to interview, then record the interviewee’s answers into the interview schedule.
Type of the interview
1. The Schedule Standardized Interview, SSI
It is a well-structured interview format which the words or rules of all questions can be used equally by all interview. Researchers using this type of interview must develop tools that are capable of being used with interview. This type of interview format has 4 agreement:
1.1 Interview have the ability to understand common words or interview can understand the same problem. Interview received the same stimulus were able to understand the same meaning.
1.2 This format use the form of speech and every interviewer to understand. If the population groups have different languages with few shared values and fear of speaking to strangers. In interviews using this format it cannot be used because the answers that come out will not be standardized. The interviewer must create a new interview method. This type of interview format are limited. Can be used only for samples that are homogeneous population and only for a middle-class sample.
1.3 The conditions for interview must be used the same sorting and appropriate the mood of the interview. The content will focus on interests related of the interview first and problems related to feelings, it should be at the end of the interview.
1.4 The question must be tested before actual collecting. In that test, the researcher must select a group of individuals that can be compared with the sample that will be used in the actual interview.
Interviewing using this format is difficult, that the test results are reliable but if we know what the characteristics and experiences of the sample group that will be interviewed that possible to use reasons to support such agreements.
2. Unstructured Schedule Interview, USI
It is an interview that determines the information required from each interviewee. It is similar in focus interview. It is necessary to use trained interview staff must understand the information and have the skills to create questions for interviewing each person.
2.1 Interview will have own way of answering the questionnaire.
2.2 The steps of the questionnaire are specified, may interview dissatisfaction in answering the questionnaire. Therefore, in order to make the interview effective. The topics of the interview should be sequenced according to their availability and willingness of the interview.
3. The Nonstandardized Interview or Unstructured Interview, UI
It is an interview that does not specify a group or set of questions and the order in the interview. This type of interview may be called another name: Nondirective Interview.
3.1 Interview guide it is a topic set to be used in an unstructured interview as a guide and create content to cover important issues. Researchers require interview topics to different from the interview schedule. In the interview topic, there are no fixed questions and flexible.
3.2 Focused interview that focuses on a specific topic. Commonly used with people who have shared experience for example, watching the same movie or being in the same event.